FSSP Priest Training Workshops
Ad Altare Dei


Supplementary Material

Introduction with Fr. Calvin Goodwin, FSSP
Introduction with FSSP Superior General, Very Rev. John Berg
Introduction with Dario Cardinal Castrillon-Hoyos
Real-Time Commentary with Fr. Calvin Goodwin, FSSP
Principles of Liturgical Movement & Gesture
Variations when Celebrating Mass

The Mass Explained

Preparation at the Altar
Vesting & Preparation in the Sacristy
Procession & Arrival at the Altar
Prayers at the Foot of the Altar
Kyrie & Gloria
Collect & Epistle
Gospel & Creed
Offertory: Antiphon to Lavabo
Offertory: Lavabo to Preface
Preface & Sanctus
Canon: up to Consecration
Canon: Consecration to Minor Elevation
Pater Noster & Fractio
Priest's Communion
Postcommunion & Final Blessing
Last Gospel & Leonine Prayers
Recession & After Mass

Click here to download all videos (.zip)

Supplementary Material

Introduction with Fr. Calvin Goodwin, FSSP [TOP]

Introduction with FSSP Superior General, Very Rev. John Berg [TOP]

Introduction with Dario Cardinal Castrillon-Hoyos [TOP]

Real-Time Commentary with Fr. Calvin Goodwin, FSSP [TOP]

Principles of Liturgical Movement & Gesture [TOP]

Variations when Celebrating Mass [TOP]

The Mass Explained

Preparation at the Altar [TOP]

Vesting & Preparation in the Sacristy [TOP]

Procession & Arrival at the Altar [TOP]

Prayers at the Foot of the Altar [TOP]

Introit [TOP]

Kyrie & Gloria [TOP]

Collect & Epistle [TOP]

Gospel & Creed [TOP]

Offertory: Antiphon to Lavabo [TOP]

Offertory: Lavabo to Preface [TOP]

Preface & Sanctus [TOP]

Canon: up to Consecration [TOP]

Consecration [TOP]

Canon: Consecration to Minor Elevation [TOP]S

Pater Noster & Fractio [TOP]

Priest's Communion [TOP]

Ablutions [TOP]

Postcommunion & Final Blessing [TOP]

Last Gospel & Leonine Prayers [TOP]

Recession & After Mass [TOP]